單元摘要: 期中專案(OLIST)資料探索

pacman::p_load(dplyr, ggplot2, readr)

💡 讀完原始資料之後,先將資料壓縮起來,之後再從壓縮檔讀進會比較快、比較方便



B1. 確認鍵值欄位

Sellers: S$seller_id

n_distinct(S$seller_id) == nrow(S)
[1] TRUE

Products: P$product_id

n_distinct(P$product_id) == nrow(P)
[1] TRUE

B2. 多重鍵值

Reviews: R$review_id

n_distinct(R$review_id) == nrow(R)

Reviews: R$review_id & R$order_id

nrow(unique(R[, 1:2])) == nrow(R)
[1] TRUE


table(R$review_id) %>% table
    1     2     3 
98371   777    25 

B3. 外來鍵值

Order Items: I$order_id & I$order_item_id

nrow(unique(I[, 1:2])) == nrow(I)
[1] TRUE

🗿 一筆訂單最多會有多少項目(order_item_id)呢?


🗿 一筆訂單最多會有多少個賣家(seller_id)呢?

table( unique(I[, c(1,4)])$order_id ) %>% table
    1     2     3     4     5 
97388  1219    54     3     2 

🗿 一筆訂單最多會包含多少種產品(product_id)呢?



💡 做分析之前我們一定要先決定分析對象(Unit of Analysis)

假如我們要對所有的賣家做分析,我們就要依selller_id做彙總; 先從訂單項目(I)做起

Z = I %>% group_by(seller_id) %>% summarise(
  ItemsSold = n(),
  Rev = sum(price),
  noProd = n_distinct(product_id),
  avgPrice = mean(price),
  maxPrice = max(price),
  minPrice = min(price),
  avgFreight = mean(freight_value),
  avgRevProd = Rev/noProd,
  avgItemsProd = ItemsSold/noProd
  seller_id           ItemsSold           Rev             noProd     
 Length:3095        Min.   :   1.0   Min.   :     4   Min.   :  1.0  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:   2.0   1st Qu.:   209   1st Qu.:  2.0  
 Mode  :character   Median :   8.0   Median :   821   Median :  4.0  
                    Mean   :  36.4   Mean   :  4391   Mean   : 11.1  
                    3rd Qu.:  24.0   3rd Qu.:  3281   3rd Qu.: 10.0  
                    Max.   :2033.0   Max.   :229473   Max.   :399.0  
    avgPrice         maxPrice         minPrice        avgFreight   
 Min.   :   3.5   Min.   :   3.5   Min.   :   0.8   Min.   :  1.2  
 1st Qu.:  52.2   1st Qu.:  81.0   1st Qu.:  21.6   1st Qu.: 14.7  
 Median :  95.5   Median : 169.9   Median :  44.8   Median : 18.2  
 Mean   : 176.3   Mean   : 335.4   Mean   : 110.4   Mean   : 23.4  
 3rd Qu.: 174.0   3rd Qu.: 349.9   3rd Qu.:  99.0   3rd Qu.: 24.4  
 Max.   :6729.0   Max.   :6735.0   Max.   :6729.0   Max.   :308.3  
   avgRevProd       avgItemsProd   
 Min.   :    3.5   Min.   :  1.00  
 1st Qu.:   89.0   1st Qu.:  1.00  
 Median :  179.8   Median :  1.67  
 Mean   :  417.5   Mean   :  2.67  
 3rd Qu.:  397.7   3rd Qu.:  2.73  
 Max.   :16983.5   Max.   :128.33  



X = unique(I[,c(1,4)]) %>% left_join(R[,2:3]) %>% 
  group_by(seller_id) %>% summarise(
    noReview = n(),
    avgScore = mean(review_score),
    minScore = min(review_score),
    maxScore = max(review_score)) 
Joining, by = "order_id"
  seller_id            noReview         avgScore       minScore   
 Length:3095        Min.   :   1.0   Min.   :1.00   Min.   :1.00  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:   2.0   1st Qu.:3.75   1st Qu.:1.00  
 Mode  :character   Median :   7.0   Median :4.17   Median :1.00  
                    Mean   :  32.5   Mean   :3.98   Mean   :2.25  
                    3rd Qu.:  22.0   3rd Qu.:4.60   3rd Qu.:4.00  
                    Max.   :1860.0   Max.   :5.00   Max.   :5.00  
 Min.   :1.00  
 1st Qu.:5.00  
 Median :5.00  
 Mean   :4.69  
 3rd Qu.:5.00  
 Max.   :5.00  


Z = Z %>% left_join(X) %>% left_join(S)
Joining, by = "seller_id"
Joining, by = "seller_id"
is.na(Z) %>% colSums
             seller_id              ItemsSold                    Rev 
                     0                      0                      0 
                noProd               avgPrice               maxPrice 
                     0                      0                      0 
              minPrice             avgFreight             avgRevProd 
                     0                      0                      0 
          avgItemsProd               noReview               avgScore 
                     0                      0                      0 
              minScore               maxScore seller_zip_code_prefix 
                     0                      0                      0 
           seller_city           seller_state 
                     0                      0 

做一個簡單的分析: 賣家的平均評等最高的20個省份是 …

tapply(Z$avgScore, Z$seller_state, mean) %>% sort %>% tail(20) 
    SE     RO     BA     SP     RJ     MA     PR     DF     MG     RS     SC 
3.8500 3.8542 3.9316 3.9541 3.9657 3.9720 4.0155 4.0319 4.0336 4.0501 4.0725 
    PI     GO     PE     ES     MT     MS     PB     RN     PA 
4.0833 4.1011 4.1091 4.1959 4.2231 4.2510 4.2812 4.4757 4.5000 



Z1 = left_join(Q, L) %>% inner_join(Z)
Joining, by = "mql_id"
Joining, by = "seller_id"
[1] 380  33


behavior = group_by(Z1, lead_behaviour_profile) %>% summarise(
  noSellers = n(),
  totalRev = sum(Rev),
  avgRev = mean(Rev),
  avgReview = mean(noReview),
  avgScore = mean(avgScore)
  ) %>% arrange( desc(avgScore) )
# A tibble: 7 x 6
  lead_behaviour_profile noSellers totalRev avgRev avgReview avgScore
  <chr>                      <int>    <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 cat, wolf                      1      59     59       1        5   
2 wolf                          43   21378.   497.      4.60     4.39
3 <NA>                          91  231802.  2547.     17.0      4.33
4 eagle                         50   90725.  1814.     13.5      4.28
5 cat                          184  282479.  1535.      9.64     4.25
6 shark                         10   49512.  4951.     32.3      4.23
7 eagle, cat                     1     896    896       3        3.33


segment = group_by(Z1, business_segment) %>% summarise(
  noSellers = n(),
  totalRev = sum(Rev),
  avgItemsSold = mean(ItemsSold),
  avgPrice = totalRev/avgItemsSold,
  avgRev = mean(Rev),
  avgReview = mean(noReview),
  avgScore = mean(avgScore)
  ) %>% arrange( desc(totalRev) )
# A tibble: 29 x 8
   business_segment noSellers totalRev avgItemsSold avgPrice avgRev avgReview
   <chr>                <int>    <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 watches                  3  117279.       198        592. 39093.    193.  
 2 health_beauty           45   90836.        18.2     4979.  2019.     15.7 
 3 household_utili~        44   51569.        12.8     4045.  1172.     11.4 
 4 audio_video_ele~        31   50265.         8.87    5666.  1621.      8.03
 5 small_appliances         7   47675.         9.86    4837.  6811.      9.71
 6 home_decor              44   44102.        10.3     4293.  1002.      8.23
 7 pet                     17   40499.        16.8     2407.  2382.     14.6 
 8 construction_to~        32   34539.         9.94    3476.  1079.      8.5 
 9 car_accessories         30   30175.         5.47    5520.  1006.      4.93
10 home_appliances          5   26241.        28.2      931.  5248.     27   
# ... with 19 more rows, and 1 more variable: avgScore <dbl>
save(Z, Z1, segment, file="data/Z.rdata")